Bun's 2020 was founded in 2021 by a group of roller skating enthusiasts. Our training centers are located at Kodak House Phase 1 in Quarry Bay and D2 Place in Lai Chi Kok, providing two different roller skating training venues suitable for beginners and experienced roller lovers. Bun's 2020 is committed to bringing stress-relieving sports and fun party experiences to all students. Bun's 2020 goal is to share our passion for roller skating with everyone and cultivate a love for roller skating in the younger generation. Bun's 2020 strives to spread joy and allow people of all ages to remember good memories! We eagerly look forward to learning, teaching, and experiencing everyone's growth on their roller skating journey!
80s Disco Style
Enjoy Roller Skating
Happy and Fun
Bun's 2020


Love, enjoy and have fun
Discover why we love roller skating and try it for yourself!
Let’s enjoy the fun of roller skating together and become a “roller skater”!
We strive to create a retro and nostalgic 80s disco style roller skate playground.
We hope that people of all ages can share beautiful memories and have fun!
- Roller - 賓士 - Buns - 滾軸