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作家相片: Bun's 2020Bun's 2020

☃️Xmas Roller skating courses

🍼4-6歲 2天 體驗課

💰$580 /2堂 (每堂30分鐘課堂+30分鐘自由練習)

🛼7歲或以上 3天學習課


💰$980 /3堂(每堂60分鐘課堂+60分鐘自由練習)




🍼Age4-6 2days skating workshop

💰$580/ 2 lessons

▫️Each lesson includes 30minutes training and 30 minutes free skating

🛼Age 7+, 3 Days work shop


💰$980/ 3 lessons

▫️Each lesson includes 30minutes training and 30 minutes free skating

🔹The fee includes the rental of protective gear and roller skates

🔹Once register for the course, there are no refunds

🔹Under special circumstances, the center reserves the right to cancel the class, and the center will provide class transfer arrangements to registered students.

We ensure you will have fun and learn something new!!💯

Contact us now ❤️報名或查詢歡迎 WhatsApp

Quarry Bay 鰂魚涌☎️ 60610300

D2 place 荔枝角☎️ 52118990



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